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 Post subject: Gradul Anaretic
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:49 pm 
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Gradul Anaretic reprezinta ultimul grad,29,dintr-un semn;este considerat a fi unul critic,de aceea orice corp ceresc aflat in acea pozitie influenteaza intr-un mod extrem trasaturile zodiei;daca exista aspecte negative cu planeta ,asteroidul,etc.,aflat la 29 gr,persoana in cauza poate afisa in fata celorlalti o exagerare a unor caracterisitic din comportamentul lui/ei;ceilalti li se va parea ciudat sa vada p cineva care pare sa se autoironizeze dar perosanei nu i se va parea nimic ciudat,totul la el/ea fiind 'normal' ;)dar extrema poate aduce si evenimente neplacute in viata,de aceea trebuie sa i constientizam capacitatea si sa incerkm sa nu ne lasam dusi de val in cazul in kre ne aflam si noi in clubul '29 degrees' ;atunci knd se gasesc aspecte pozitive ,pers utilizeaza cu succes atributiile semnului in cel mai serios si amtur mod;'anretic' vine de la 'anarietes'(gr.)=distrugator;inainte se credea k orice corp ceresc aflat la 29 grade se comporta ca un malefic ,un fel de 'calcai al lui Ahile';de fapt totul e relativ;in fct de alti factori se poate realiza ori o distrugere a defectelor sau a calitatilor;imi aduce aminte de cartea din Tarot ce reprezinta moartea,cea cu nr 13;si ea,in functie de pozitie ori reprezinta moatea ,nimicirea,distrugerea a ceea ce este negativ ori pozitiv;ori alb ,ori negru,ori Alfa ori Omega ;)

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...Kick the sh** out of him instead!!!"
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:23 pm 
Da, mi-am amintit si eu de gradul anaretic si cred ca e un 'amanunt' destul de important in astrograma.
Dar cand Lilith insasi e in 29 degrees Gemeni, ce s-ar mai putea spune despre maleficitatea sa, oare? Sper ca se atenueaza datorita celor 3 sextile si doua trigoane :roll:.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:42 pm 
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of.. :shock: am impresia ca am postat din greseala unde nu trebuia in loc de sectiunea 'discutii generale';sry sry sry!!!!!!!!coser,pls,ai putea sa muti topicul daca poti?? !!ms frumos then!!!!mihaela,maleficitatea e accentuata sau nu mai mult de aspecte decat de semnificatia corpului in acest caz aspectele pozitive atenuand putin trsaturile negative p ke le duce lilith;in fct de planete este indicat si unde anume se produce ameliorarea.......

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...Kick the sh** out of him instead!!!"
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:09 pm 
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Ohh eu am Lilith la 29 gr. balanta...ce sa mai zic...? Dar stati sa va ma spun ceva : conf. astrologiei vedice , planeta aflata la cel mai mare grad (in cazul meu saturn la 29 grade conf. astrologiei vedice) se numeste ATMAKARAKA si cica ar fi un fel de semnificator karmic :shock:
Nu stiu unde e adevarul , (probabil undeva la mijloc ) , dar ceva trebuie sa fie cu planetele aflate la 29gr... :?:


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:51 pm 
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dar vreau sa-mi exprim o nedumerire:eu am mercur la 28,30 gr in capricorn......ei bine se poate considera, luat prin rotunjire, k planeta se comporta conform gradului anaretic???chiar as vrea sa aflu!!!


When positioned in the 29th degree of your chart, the Sun indicates a need to focus more on your identity and your sense of self. Answer the question, "Who am I?" Deeply consider your roots and how they've shaped the person you are. Issues with your father or your father figure may need to be resolved. You may often have difficulty relating to men due to this conflict. Keep your ego in check. Work on your sense of individuality and cultivate proactive channels of self-expression. Pay closer attention to certain aspects of your health, mainly issues concerning your heart, back and spine.


Spending some time unpacking your emotions is time well spent. The Moon encourages us to open ourselves up and to communicate our true feelings. There may be issues with your mother or women in your life that you need to resolve. Listen to your instincts and your feelings and make efforts to express them more honestly. Pay attention to your mood. Your first reaction may be the best; trust your instincts and reflexes. Seek out or offer your mothering and nurturing side. Pay close attention to the health of your stomach and breasts.


Mercury is the Planet of Communication, and at its Anaretic Degree it focuses on the lesson of expressing oneself more clearly. Strut your intellect and practice your mental dexterity. Stretch your vocabulary and use new words. Take the time to contemplate your mental processes and explore your inner mind. You are preoccupied with issues of mental health or mental acuity. Practice the logic that you study. Pay closer attention to the health of your arms, hands, shoulders and lungs.


You've always had issues with relationships and romantic partners, and in this lifetime you need to work the kinks out of having a successful relationship. Beauty, charm and aesthetics are also worthy of your reevaluation, and thinking about what makes something or someone pleasing is a big part of that lesson. Assess your relationship with material possessions. The company you keep is more culturally astute and you hope to emulate their tastes. Seek harmony and sociability in everything you do and you will reach the popularity you seek. Pay close attention to the health of your throat and kidneys.


Problems with asserting yourself have always been an issue; you're on the cusp of either learning how to be more aggressive or learning to keep your aggressions in check. Learn to put your needs out on the table rather than surrounding yourself with people who fight your battles for you. You have suppressed passions that you need to bring to the surface. Get closer to your own sexual energy and expertise and bring the lessons of assertiveness into the bedroom as well. Once you have courage and willpower, you can have whatever you want. Pay close attention to your health concerning blood, cuts, burns and headaches.

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...Kick the sh** out of him instead!!!"
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:52 pm 
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The Planet Jupiter encourages you to achieve your goals. Go back to school if you've been wanting to, or self-educate. Get in touch with a higher sense of thinking and learning. Take note of ethics, religion or foreign affairs. Explore more of the world outside of yourself. Avoid excess in drinking and risk taking. Take advantage of opportunities that involve long distance travel. Any or all of these experiences will bring the enrichment you desperately need. Pay attention to the health of your liver, hips and thighs.


If Saturn appears in the 29th degree in your chart, it symbolizes that you've never learned to take proper responsibility for yourself and that you need to get organized, once and for all. Learn your limitations and accept them. Make plans accordingly. Deal with your ambitions and your frustrations; take real steps to make your plans come to fruition. Patience is something you've always battled with and you've never had a great respect for authority figures, but part of moving on is learning how to deal with both. Practice diligence. Ask for assistance when you need it. Learn how reassuring and comforting a little structure in your life can be. Pay close attention to the health of your knees, skin, bones and teeth.


Accepting revolutionary ideas -- your own or someone else's -- will take you to new heights. You've always been one to be stunned by bizarre, erratic happenings, but you should learn to accept these events as great opportunities. Celebrate the differences and the oddities of the world around you and you will become an active participant. Until you learn this social tolerance, you will never progress to the next stage of universal development. Your dependence on stability is keeping you weighted down. Create and invent new projects and new possibilities. Pay close attention to the health of your nervous system and your ankles.


With Neptune in your Karmic Degree, you've never learned how to face an issue head on. You always escape your problems or pretend they don't exist. Too often this planet brings with it alcoholism or drug dependency, or the kind of shallow happiness that comes from faded glamor and tattered gowns. You currently deal in smoke and mirrors, and planting yourself in the here and now is the most valuable task you can undertake. Unveil the secrets of your life and deal with them directly and frankly. Pay close attention to the health of your feet.


You've always had a difficult time accepting changes, letting go and starting anew. Recognize that change is a chance for rebirth and rejuvenation and that death is an infallible part of living. With every ending there is a new beginning. Your tendency is to hang on to the past for as long as you can. Accept the hand life deals you; take it moment by moment. Learn to start anew and to make life where there was once nothing. Pay closer attention to the health of your reproductive system.

de pe

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...Kick the sh** out of him instead!!!"
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:26 pm 
Thorra wrote:
dar vreau sa-mi exprim o nedumerire:eu am mercur la 28,30 gr in capricorn......ei bine se poate considera, luat prin rotunjire, k planeta se comporta conform gradului anaretic???chiar as vrea sa aflu!!!

Nu cred ca se poate considera asta. Practic Mercur ai tau Thorra este la gradul 28.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:32 pm 
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Si Lilith-ul lui Mihaela si al meu la grad anaretic , Thorra? No comment...?


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:33 pm 
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Gradul anaretic este o particularitatea desprinsa din analiza planetelor situate in ultimul decan. El comunica foarte bine cu planetele situate pe final de decan, adica acele planete situate pe gradele 9 si 19, dar gradul anaretic este cel mai puternic pentru ca le aduna puterea celor doua grade anterioare situate de finalul decanului I si respectiv al II-lea. El are in numerologie conotatia lui 33, semn de decizie, putere, dar si de mimetism si acumulare.
Daca in numerologie 3 este un numar al deciziei, al mandriei si independentei, gradul anaretic fiind pe frecventa lui 33 adice in tema medumitatea, puterea de a canaliza si, deopotriva, de a ingloba informatia energiei cu care se intra in contact. Este gradul celui incarcat de experienta incercarilor vietii care ajunge la ideea ca a obosit sa tot caute izvorul si se preface ca nu-i mai este sete. Gradul anaretic este gresit privit DOAR negativ, pentru ca el fiind magnetul acumularilor masive din vietile anterioare este chiar nedrept sa te gandesti ca in trecut omul a facut doar rau.
Dar cum putem sa ne dam seama daca o planeta anaretica este pozitiva sau negativa? Numerologia ne ajuta sa intelegem mai bine aceste semn. Numarul 3 este adesea considerat ca o vibratie ce mediaza intre 1 si 2 adica intre Soare si Luna. Cum in astrologie Soarele si Luna sunt guvernatorii zodiilor Leu si Rac, ce personifica zodia Tatalui (Leu) si mamei (Rac) urmatoarea planeta care ar putea sa medieze intre ele doau nu fi alta decat Mercur, care prin semnele guvernatoare, Gemeni si Fecioara, imbratiseaza zodiile mamei si a tatalui. Poate si de aceea Mercur aduce in astrologie principiul fiului si deci vibratia lui 3. Cand apare 33 atunci se accentueaza mimetismul si acumularile de comportament. Educatia este foarte importanta, deci planeta care se situeaza la gradul anaretic are propria ei educatie, propria ei informatie, pe care si-a insusit-o intr-un context ce este strain astrologului traditional. Uneori tema sufletului poate spune mai multe despre implicarea planetei anaretice in analiza temei.
In primul rand ne poate spune daca o planeta anaretica are o informatie pozitiva sau negativa tema in ansamblu, dar daca practicantul intampina dificultati in a intelege tema in ansamplu atunci se poate lua raportul planetei anaretice cu Soarele, Luna si, in mod special, cu Mercur.
Analiza devina mai dificila daca exista mai multe planete anaretice si asta nu face decat sa atraga gandirea nativului spre o educatie trecuta, anterioara, misterioasa.
Planeta anaretica are pentru mine coloratura zodiei Pesti - misterioasa si independenta, atasata de lumea in care traieste, dar rece si distanta de ceea ce vrea societate sa-i implemneteze. Ar putea fi in analiza psihologica si karmica un fel de fosila vie, care poarta semnul unui marcaj dintr-o viata (sau poate chiar mai multe) in care planeta respectiva a fost foarte importanta pentru devenirea nativului.

Gheorghitã COSER (
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:09 pm 
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Cred ca are legatura si cu "terms rulership" (habar n-am traducerea) a lu Ptolomeu. Daca va aruncati ochii pe tabelu asta, si mai aveti si rabdare sa va uitati prin el, observati 2 lucruri interesante: odata ca ultimele 3 grade din fiecare semn sunt guvernate ori de Saturn, ori de Marte ( :twisted: ), si altadata ca pe la mijlocul oricarui semn, guvernatorii sunt ori Mercur, ori Venus, ori Jupiter (non :twisted: , ca n-am iconita de ingeras). Deci maleficii la coada, beneficii la mijloc.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:27 pm 

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Acum, pun si eu o intrebare stupida. De fapt, o zodie are alocate gradele de la 0 la 29, sau de la 1 la 30? (Cred ca seamana cu intrebarea daca a existat sau nu anul 0...) Am observat la Zet ca, daca o planeta este la n grade si x minute, este trecuta prescurtat ca fiind la n+1 grade. Deci, gradul 29 si cateva minute, de exemplu, este trecut pe astrograma drept gradul 30. Este o eroare a programului Zet, sau asa e uzual? Pentru ca in acest din urma caz, ar trebui sa vorbim de gradul 30, nu? :?:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:50 pm 
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Sunt de acord cu tine. E o intrebare stupida (astea-mi plac cel mai mult, ca macar stiu sa raspund la ele). Zodia porneste de la 0,0 si se termina la 29,(9). Daca le numar acum babeste, de la 0 la 1 ie un grad, de la 1 la 2 inca un grad, deci doua in total... si la 30 ajung la 30 de grade. Ufff, e bine.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:54 pm 

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Hai ca esti tare :D (as usual). No, eu altceva voiam sa zic - cazul in care nu tii seama de secunde si minute, si in care tot intervalul [0.00 - 0.59] se considera gradul 1. Ca la simbolurile Sabiene...

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:23 pm 
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Aaa, acu m-am prins. No, pai io zic ca ar fi de la 1 la 30, daca rotunjim in plus. Sau daca rotunjim in minus, ar fi de la 0 la 29. Da nu-i mai simplu sa punem si minutele si nu ne mai incurcam?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:41 pm 
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daca tot vobnim de gradul anaretic,eu ma gandeam la revolutia mea solara p 2007 :lol: AC la 29gr sagetator va mai adauga putin 'scantei' :lol: .........

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...Kick the sh** out of him instead!!!"
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:47 pm 

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coser wrote:
Planeta anaretica are pentru mine coloratura zodiei Pesti - misterioasa si independenta, atasata de lumea in care traieste, dar rece si distanta de ceea ce vrea societate sa-i implemneteze. Ar putea fi in analiza psihologica si karmica un fel de fosila vie, care poarta semnul unui marcaj dintr-o viata (sau poate chiar mai multe) in care planeta respectiva a fost foarte importanta pentru devenirea nativului.

Descrierea din pasajul selectat parca mi se potriveste ca o manusa.Si iata ce am visat cu o noapte inainte [04.06.2006,3:25]:eram pe acest forum,vedeam avatarul lui Coser si textul:" a merge pe un drum,atunci cand toti ceilalti merg pe altul, este o problema de karma". :shock:

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:10 pm 
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E profund, in orice caz. Intotdeauna ma impresioneaza lucrurile pe care nu le inteleg.

Un astrolog competent poate demonstra ca orice eveniment, odata ce s-a produs, era inevitabil.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:03 am 
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Cum poate fi interpretata venus ca planeta anaretica ?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:09 am 
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depinde foarte mult de tema... spuneam anterior ca nu este corect sa consideri a prioric ca o planeta anaretica este negativa, chiar daca de cele mai multe ori se dovedeste a fi asa...
Trebuie sa vedem ce experienta a acumulat venus anterior de a devenit acum anaretica, de ce nu a putut schimba nivelul...
La ce tema te refereai?

Gheorghitã COSER (
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:34 pm 
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La a mea. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:52 pm 
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Pe tema ta Venus anaretic are si trasaturi negative si pozitive... asta pentru ca se accentueaza trasaturile zodiei sagetator o data ca acolo este Venus si apoi pentru ca NS face conjunctie cu Mercur tot pe Sagetator in casa II.
Ca eveniment iti poate aduce ceva care sa se fi consumat in perioada copilariei, evenimente ce fac referire la o latura comportamentala si mai putin la cea care vizeza integritatea corporala.
Sagetatorul lucreaza insa cu doua extreme in acelasi timp (asta este marea ciudatenie a semnului) de aceia spun ca venus iti poate crea doua identitati pe care sa le folosesti in paralele, una buna eleganta, rafinata, atenta la aspectul ei exterior si cealalta dura, transanta indiferenta fata de tot ce inseaman educatie si atenta doar la propria senzorialitate.
Venus anaretic poate minti cu o convingere iesita din comun si-si poate insusi obiecte care nu-i apartin. Pentru ca Marte este aproape de venus, micul benefic pe grad anaretic aduce mai curand nevoia de competitie permanenta, nevoia de a avea in jurul tau oameni pe care sa-i invingi si de care sa-ti ascuti gherutzele. Nu e rautate, ci un joc al supravietuirii pe care il desfasori la vointa in locuri nepermise. Te atrage tot ce este interzis si manifesti in directia asta o curiozitate de adolescent.
Luna din pesti te mentine insa pe o linie de plutire.

Gheorghitã COSER (
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:00 am 
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Multumesc. Am cam ramas pe ganduri ... opozitia marelui benefic si retrograd , nu cred ca-i poate aduce ceva bun !

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